Japanese VISA Information

Basic VISA Information / Status of Residence / Naturalization / Penalty

This page is the index of the pages on Japanese VISA information and Document Authentication information. You can get the helpful legal information on immigration and related matters based on Japanese law.

Basic VISA Information

Status of Residence / Certificate of Eligibility

Permanent Residence

Procedures for Foreigners residing in Japan

Affiliated Organization / Institution

  • What is “Certificate of Eligibility”?
    To get Certificate of Eligibility (COE) is the first step to invite foreigners to Japan and employ them in Japan.

  • Categories of Affiliated Organization / Institution

  • Notification Submitted by the Affiliated Organization
    The organizations employing foreigners are told by Japan’s government to submit “Notification of the Affiliated Organization” when they start or stop to employ foreigners. However, this is not a legal obligation thus there is no penalty.

  • Certificate of Authorized Employment
    Certificate of Authorized Employment proves that a foreigner has a status of resident suitable for the activity that he / she intends to be engaged in.

  • Application for Change of Status of Residence
    When a foreigner changes his /her job or job content changes, he /she must change the status of resident to the new one suitable for the new job / job content.

Document Authentication

  • What are Apostille, Legalization, Authentication?
    Apostille and Legalization procedure and required documents are explained. Authentication procedure differs according to whether the document to be submitted is official or private, and whether the country receiving the document is a member of Treaty of The Hague or not.


  • Deportation
    If a foreigner staying in Japan causes a serious problem / trouble, Japan’s government may get him / her out of Japan in a forcible manner under Japan’s law.

  • Revocation of “Status of Residence”
    If a foreigner staying in Japan causes a serious problem / trouble, sometimes he / she may no longer continue to stay in Japan.

  • Reasons of Refusal to Land
    Foreigners with Reasons of Refusal to Land is not permitted to enter Japan.

Other Information / Tools


